Ask Pilkington


Ask Pilkington

What are you doing to reduce your carbon emissions?

NSG Group is committed to support the mitigation of risks of climate change.

The original Greenhouse gas reduction target of NSG Group approved by the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) in October 2019 was revised during FY22. The new target is significantly more challenging and represents the increased ambition of NSG Group to decarbonize its activities. The new target was formally approved by the SBTi in May 2022 and is aligned with a well below 2℃ global warming scenario. In addition to this increased level of ambition, the new target also includes a commitment to reduce Scope 3 emissions.

By 2030, NSG Group commits to reduce absolute GHG emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3) by 30% compared to the 2018 baseline level.

NSG Group announced a commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 as part of the FY22 financial results presentation to the Tokyo Stock Exchange (May 2022). This target is aligned to numerous stakeholder requests throughout the NSG value chain. The target covers all scopes of NSG GHG emissions with no exclusions.

For more information on our roadmap to carbon neutrality, please click here.

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