Impact Safety and Barriers
For new buildings, and for buildings subject to major refurbishment, glazing requirements for critical locations are given in a combination of Building Regulations (with supporting Approved Documents or Technical Handbooks) and British Standards publications.
The relevant Approved Document for England is:
- Approved Document K (Protection from falling, collision and impact)
This Approved Document became effective in England from 6th April 2013. It now incorporates the former Approved Document N (Glazing - Safety in relation to impact, opening and cleaning), which is still applicable in Wales.
There are relevant British Standards:
- BS EN 12600: Glass in building - Pendulum test - Impact test method and classification for flat glass
- BS 6262-4: Code of practice for glazing for buildings - Part 4: Safety related to human impact
- BS 6180: Barriers in and about buildings - Code of practice
In general, if the recommendations in BS 6262-4 and BS 6180 are followed, the current requirements of Building Regulations in all parts of the UK for the glazing of critical locations may be satisfied.
To access Approved Documents for Wales please click here.