
Solar Control - Pilkington

Pilkington Activ SunShade™ combines dual action, self-cleaning properties with medium solar control performance and an aesthetically pleasing appearance to reduce the amount of direct sunlight that penetrates into a building. Available in both Blue and Neutral colours it creates a cool and comfortable environment all year round.

Solar Control Glass - Pilkington

Solar control glass is a hi-tech product developed by the glass industry to allow sunlight to pass through a window or façade while radiating and reflecting away a large degree of the sun’s heat. The indoor space stays bright and much cooler than would be the case if normal glass were used.

Pilkington Suncool™ Range

The Pilkington Suncool™ Range comprises our highest performing off-line coated, solar control and low-emissivity glass products. Coating technology has revolutionised the design of modern buildings enabling extensive use of glazing which combines functionality with stunning aesthetics.

How It Works - Pilkington

In hot conditions or for building with high internal loads, solar control glass is used to minimise solar heat gain. It allows sunlight to pass through a window or façade while radiating and reflecting away a large degree of the sun's heat.

Pilkington Activ™ Range

Pilkington Suncool™ provides superior solar control properties, helping to control solar gain whilst providing high light levels; Ideal for large vertical certain wall facades; Helps to keep the building cooler in summer, reducing or eliminating the need for air conditioning

Double Glazing Units - g-value guide - Pilkington

Solar Control Glass; Energy-efficient Glass; Fire Protection Glass; Self-cleaning Glass; Double Glazing Units - g-value guide g-value Colour/tint Product (6mm panes) 0.18: Clear/Neutral:

Pilkington Activ™ Clear

It now forms part of the Pilkington Activ™ Range that also offers self-cleaning glass combined with solar control properties. Self-cleaning glass has been described as an impossible dream.

Pilkington Sunplus™ BIPV

Benefits Pilkington Sunplus™ BIPV offers following benefits:. Seamless Integration: Pilkington Sunplus™ BIPV is designed for ease of integration into the design of a building, allowing for desired combination of aesthetics and performance. Custom Design: Partial and full layout of PV-cells allow for flexible design. Reliability: Pilkington Sunplus™ BIPV uses proven monocrystalline ...

Pilkington Activ™ Blue, Pilkington Activ™ Bronze

Pilkington Activ™ Blue is an attractive blue glass that combines dual-action, self-cleaning properties with medium solar control performance helping to create a cooler internal environment which can be used all year round.

Self-cleaning Glass - Pilkington

The range has products which combine both self-cleaning and solar control properties, making them highly desirable amongst homeowners looking for the ultimate in glass solutions. By exploring this website you will find all the information you need about the use of self-cleaning glass in your home and its extensive range of benefits.

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