

Glass is now a very fashionable element of interior design and an integral part of interesting furniture solutions. When designing furniture with glass elements, the appearance and visual effects of different types of glass of different colours and translucency are taken into consideration. Apart from aesthetics, glass properties are also key, among which - in the case of glass in furniture - should be mentioned first of all easy maintenance and cleanliness and safety of use. Furniture designers looking for glass of the above-mentioned properties choose such products as extra clear glass, translucent glass, laminated glass with tinted interlayers or enamelled glass.

The use of Pilkington Optiwhite™ extra clear glass and Pilkington Optifloat™ Opal matt translucent glass allow you to create a neutral-looking furniture. The first mentioned type of glass has a low iron content and thus leaves no characteristic greenish hue. This gives you the opportunity to faithfully reproduce the colours and patterns exposed behind or under the glass pane. The greenish shade characteristic for clear float glass is particularly evident on the glass edges of the thicker glass pane, which are usually exposed in most of all glass furniture. In such cases, the use of extra clear glass, which does not have the green shade, is ideal. The colour neutrality here can be combined with the original shape of the furniture, as Pilkington Optiwhite™ glass can be bent without compromising its optical properties. 

Pilkington Optifloat™ Opal has a matt, translucent effect that fits virtually any piece of furniture. This effect is achieved in the process of glass etching with the use of acid. This type of glass retains light transmission and gains anti-reflective character, creating a subtle finish of furniture. For the safety and mechanical strength of both Pilkington Optiwhite™ and Pilkington Optifloat™ Opal, both products can be toughened and laminated. 

If furniture designers put on stronger colours and patterns, they may think of using laminated glass with tinted interlayer Pilkington Optilam™ I Colour, Pilkington Enamelled Glass or Pilkington Design Glass. With a wide choice of interlayer colours Pilkington Optilam™ I Colour provides interesting design effects, while ensuring safety at the same time. A wide range of colours is also available in Pilkington Enamelled Glass and Pilkington Design Glass. Both products are available in most of colours from the RAL palette. Furniture designers appreciate not only the aesthetic qualities of enamelled and design glass, but also the safety of use, which results from the fact that in the production process enamelled glass and design glass is subjected to toughening, increasing its strength.

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