
NSG UFF™ - Pilkington

NSG UFF™ is an ultra thin, high quality cover glass used in a variety of digital applications. Available thicknesses* 0,28 mm; 0,33 mm; 0,4 mm; 0,5 mm; 0,55 mm; 0,7 mm; 1,1 mm * Other thicknesses can be made to customer specifications.

Special Applications - Pilkington

NSG UFF™ is an ultra thin, high quality cover glass used in a variety of digital applications. Pilkington Insulight™ with ScreenLine ® is a system, where the blind (venetian, pleated or roller) is encapsulated within two glass panes, i.e. in a double glazing unit.

Product Finder - Pilkington

NSG UFF™ is an ultra thin, high quality cover glass used in a variety of digital applications. Pilkington Activ™ Blue combines both self-cleaning glass and medium solar control properties, in an attractive blue or bronze body-tinted glass.

Applications - Pilkington

NSG UFF™ Applications. Applications Touch panel displays; Smart phones; Handheld mobile tablets; Touch screens for vehicles

About NSG Group - Pilkington

The NSG Group is one of the world's leading manufacturers of glass and glazing systems in three major business areas: Architectural Glass Products, Automotive and Technical Glass. Founded in 1918, NSG Group acquired the leading UK-based glass manufacturer Pilkington plc in June 2006.

Curtain Wall - Pilkington

The curtain wall method of glazing allows glass to be used in large uninterrupted areas creating consistent attractive facades. The flexibility in choice of NSG Group products allows the designer to control every aspect of the performance from thermal to solar considerations and ultimately the design statement for the building.

Windows - Pilkington

NSG Group provide a range of window glass products which offer energy saving, self cleaning and other benefits in addition to providing natural lighting. Product categories relevant for use in windows

The sky’s the limit: structural glazing and building design - Pilkington

Stainless steel fittings hold the structural elements together to create a strong, secure building envelope without compromising on the transparency or the view. A range of such systems can also be used in challenging locations or regions where environmental elements play an integral role in the building design.

Glass Technology - Pilkington

NSG Group is a technology leader in glass. The Float Process, invented by Sir Alastair Pilkington in 1959, is used throughout the world to produce high quality glass for buildings and vehicles. Over the past fifty years the Group can claim to have been responsible for almost every major advance in glass technology.

NSG glanova™ - Pilkington

NSG glanova™ is a novel glass composition developed to meet the needs of this market and provide a unique combination of properties to display manufacturers. NSG glanova™ has been designed for manufacture using the float process, recognized as the most efficient method to make high volume, cost effective glass products with excellent quality.

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