Safety FAQs

Safety FAQs


Overhead glazing and atria - What do I specify for overhead glazing?

See the Pilkington guidelines. Pilkington Optilam™ and Pilkington Insulight™ Protect are the best choices.


Overhead glazing and atria - What information does NSG Group need to help me?

The angle of glazing, size of glass, wind and snow load and height above the floor level. We also need to know something about the method of glazing e.g. two or four edge supported or even bolt arrangement in the case of canopies.


Barrier - How do I design a barrier?

Refer to BS6180. This has some very useful guidance and information on fixing methods pertinent to glass.


Barrier - Where do I get information on the loadings?

The loadings for barriers and floors is in BS6399.


Barrier - What fixing options are there?

Depending on the type of barrier you can choose bolts, full surroundings, sides or top and bottom, bottom clamped and clips.


Barrier - What information does NSG Group need to help me?

We need to know the style of barrier you are designing, the glass fixing method and the loads from BS6399. Given the glass size we can suggest a suitable thickness and glass type.


Partition - What glass should I use in a partition?

For low level glazing impact resistant glass should be used. Look up BS5234 for information on the levels of duty that the glass may have to endure. Given this we can suggest a glass type for the size.


Door - What sort of glass should I use in a door?

Impact resistant glass should be used and the classification varies with the size of the small dimension of the pane. Under 900 mm then it is BS 6206 Class C and over Class B. For panes under a specified area (0.5 m2 and small dimension not exceeding 250 mm) 6 mm Pilkington Optifloat™ can be used. Refer to the Building Regulations (Document N) for the classification of toughened glass, laminated glass or safety wired glass required.


Low level glazing - What sort of glass should I use in low level glazing locations and around doors?

This is the same as for doors except once you are not adjacent to doors (more than 300 mm from a door) the rules relax and you can use glass that meets BS 6206 Class C or BS EN 12600 Class 3.


Floors - How do I specify a floor?

We need to know the glass size and the loading taken from BS6399. We can then offer advice on the thickness of glass.

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