Specialised Transport
Specialised Transport is part of the Automotive business line of the NSG Group. We specialise in manufacturing original, tailor-made glass for our customers. Pilkington Automotive provides high quality glazing systems, solutions and value-added products to the Original Equipment manufacturers of specialised transport and utility vehicles, including:
- Bus and coach
- Truck
- Off road
- Tractors and combine harvesters
- Construction vehicles
- Marine (ships and pleasure craft)
- Micro Car
- Rail
- Trams and Metro systems
- Locomotives
- Train carriages
- Special cars and vans
- Recreational vehicles
Our partners are recognised as world-leading manufacturers, with many operating on a global basis.
As a world leader in this segment, we supply on, a global basis, uniform, high-quality products, providing the most professional service for all our customers.
Our partners are recognised as world-leading manufacturers, with many operating on a global basis.
Our products range from flat glass to large, complex and even curved elements that can include various types of assemblies, such as integrated sliders, hopper windows, etc.
We utilise a wide range of special glass materials in our manufacturing that provide many benefits for the driver. These materials also help to save energy, protect the environment and make the working environment more comfortable for our employees.
Our strategy is to continuously improve our competitiveness, bring innovative products/glazing solutions to the market, and expand globally, particularly in emerging markets. To achieve these goals our employees around the world (throughout Europe, USA, Brazil, Japan, China and Malaysia), are dedicated to providing the best service for you, everyday.