
Automotive Overview - Pilkington

Automotive Overview. Glazing adds aesthetic, functional and structural properties to vehicle design. Shortening development times require glazing suppliers to play an increasingly integrated role in the design and assembly of complex glazing.

Pilkington Kontakta Oss

Pilkington Automotive finns representerade på 13 orter i Sverige. Här kan du få information och svar på frågor du har angående ersättningsglas. KONTAKTPERSONER. ADRESSER. Ta kontakt med oss. Du kan ringa eller mejla oss för frågor om bilglas och produktidentifiering.

Automotive Processes - Pilkington

Original Equipment. Automotive Glazing. Automotive Processes. Toughening (tempering) Toughened glass is most frequently used in the rear and side windows of vehicles. It is designed to be much stronger than standard glass. In the case of a breakage, it shatters into very small blunt pieces thereby significantly reducing risk of injury.

Pilkington OE Glaskvalitet. OEM-kvalitet för eftermarknaden.

Pilkington erbjuder innovativa bilglasprodukter och lösningar. Produktsortimentet innehåller vindrutor, bakgrundsbelysning, sidoljus och takglas, men även tillbehör och allt utöver det som krävs för ett glasbyte - såsom lister, list, verktyg, uretaner och torkarblad.

Automotive Glazing - Pilkington

Original Equipment. Automotive Glazing. High quality glass production starts with the float process, developed by Pilkington and now the industry standard. Automotive glass production includes pre-processing, toughening, laminating, encapsulation, extrusion and assembly, adding functionality. Float Glass.

Industry Trends - Pilkington

Automotive Overview. Industry Trends. As the industry responds to customer demand for style variants and niche models, with shorter development times, Pilkington Automotive helps customers engineer value into vehicle glazing - cutting costs in parallel with product enhancement. Shortening development time.

Automotive Glazing Systems Processes - Pilkington

Automotive Glazing Systems Processes. Increasingly, glazing systems rather than a simple piece of glass are being supplied to the vehicle manufacturers. Much of this value-added activity is undertaken once the glass has been laminated or tempered. Glazing systems help to simplify the vehicle assembly process.

Pilkington Mervärdestjänster

Sverige. Bilglas Hub. Value Added Services. VÅRA MERVÄRDESTJÄNSTER FÖR GLAS. Med över 190 års glaserfarenhet och innovation, är vi din pålitliga partner för utbyte av bilglas. Din expertis och vår glasteknik och våra servicelösningar gör skillnad.

Automotive Glass Replacement - Pilkington

Automotive Glass Replacement. Pilkington Automotive is the global number one in AGR distribution & wholesale. As well as its major OE facilities within each region, Pilkington operates additional capacity focused on production for the aftermarket.

Automotive Products - Pilkington

Automotive Products. Pilkington Automotive products include advanced solar control glass for passenger comfort, glass heating systems to control condensation and icing, security glazing and glazing systems, including encapsulations, extrusions and components, added after basic manufacturing. Automotive Product Categories.

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