Rechtlicher Hinweis
This website is operated by Pilkington Group Limited and its group companies (collectively, “Pilkington”) and is made available in accordance with the conditions set out below. To use this website you must agree to these conditions. Pilkington may revise these conditions from time to time by updating this posting.
Conditions of Use
Limitation of Liability
Under no circumstances, shall Pilkington be liable for any damages that may result from or in relation to the use of this website or its contents.
The copyrights of this website and all its contents including, but not limited to, text and graphics, are owned by Pilkington or the creator of included content.
Prohibited Use
You shall not use this website for the purposes set out below.
To harm or violate the legal rights of Pilkington or any third party including, but not limited to, property, reputation, credibility or privacy.
To disturb the operation of this website in any way.
To use, transmit or upload harmful computer programs or information.
To violate any applicable laws or regulations.To conduct any other acts Pilkington deems inappropriate.
Recommended settings
Browser Compatibility
For best results in viewing this website, we recommend use of the following browsers.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher
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This website has been optimized for printing with the use of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
Please activate CSS for best results in viewing this website.
Use of Cookie
Our cookie policy can be found on the cookie policy page.
Access logs
This website collects access logs for statistical purposes to enhance our service through this website. Such information is not used to identify individual users. You may be able to reject Cookie by the setting of your browser, provided, however, such rejection may disable some services provided by this website.
To make the website accessible and usable for all users, our website has been designed with a number of accessibility features.
Applicable Laws
The conditions of use of this website shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales. The courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive first jurisdiction for all disputes related to these conditions and any other matters concerning the use of this website.
For any inquiry, please contact NSG IR Group