Thermal Comfort
Solar Control Glazing
Glass that reduces the effects of solar heat build-up inside the car. The major requirements are for passenger comfort, minimising the degrading effects of the sun's radiation on interior trims and fabrics, and improving fuel consumption by lowering the load on the vehicle's air conditioning unit.
Absorbing Solar Control
Pilkington has long been a market leader in body-tinted glass compositions. Optikool™ and EZ-KOOL® are green, optimised solar absorbing glasses, providing significant improvement to occupant comfort. The products reduce the heat entering through a vehicle's glazed area by around 20 per cent when compared to a car equipped with standard tinted glass.
Pilkington Sundym™ is a neutralised green suite of glasses that blend with the green front door glass to allow both a design choice and an improvement to solar loading. In a vehicle equipped with Pilkington Sundym™, the heat entering the rear of the vehicle is reduced by 45 per cent when compared to that at the front of the car. Pilkington Galaxsee™ is a grey privacy glass that reduces heat by 65 per cent when compared to that at the front of the car.
Infrared Reflective Solar Control
Pilkington coated windshields reflect more than 30 per cent of the sun's energy (more than five times that of a standard glass). This particularly benefits the new generation of vehicles that are commonly designed with larger glass areas.
In addition to its coated glass product, Pilkington's Siglasol™ automotive glazing also reflects the sun's heat. Siglasol™ is constructed from an infrared reflecting film, laminated between two pieces of glass. The product can be used in all vehicle apertures. Also available is a product with a nonmetallic interlayer