
10 years haze-free guarantee worldwide
Two years ago, Pilkington Deutschland AG was the first company in its industry to introduce a 10-year guarantee for its fire-resistant glass. This guarantee concerning the sustainability of the sustainable visual quality of fire-resistant glass belonging to the product lines Pilkington Pyrostop® and Pilkington Pyrodur® also applies worldwide with immediate effect for all cut to size circumferentially framed fire-resistant glass types that have been sold and supplied by Pilkington Deutschland AG or its international licensed partners.
This guarantee promise is unprecedented in the market and covers significant optical defects such as partial or full-surface haze. It is proof of the confidence we have in the sustainable optical quality of Pilkington fire-resistant glass.

For more details on the new extended 10 years guarantee and further product developments please check our features in BRANDSCHUTZ transparent No. 36