Survivor's Benefits

If you die, a lump sum is payable to your nominated dependants (see On Death). In addition, a pension is normally payable to your Spouse and/or Dependants.

Spouses' pensions
The Scheme generally pays a pension to the spouse (legally married partner) on a member's death.

However, there are a few exceptions where payment of some or all of the pension would be at the discretion of the Trustee, for instance:

  • If you are separated
  • If you have been married for less than 3 years when you die
  • You have nominated a named dependant

If you have a partner to whom you are not legally married, you need to make the Trustee aware by completing a Declaration Form.  See Dependant's pensions below.

If you die whilst employed by the company, the spouse's pension is normally 1/2 of what you would have received at NRA had you continued to contribute to the Scheme.

If you die after retirement, the spouse's pension is usually 1/2 of your ordinary pension.

In all cases pension is adjusted if the age difference between you and your spouse was more than 10 years.

Dependants' pensions
The pension for a dependant child is 1/8th of your pension.

Payments can also be made to another dependant e.g. an unmarried partner but only if the member has nominated the person as a named dependant on a Declaration of a Named Dependant Form Evidence of dependency is a requirement before this can proceed.

The named dependant's pension can be as much as the spouse's pension. However, if both a spouse and a named dependant survive you, the total paid to both will not be greater than a spouse's pension alone and a part of the pension may be required by legislation to be paid to the spouse.