On Death
Lump sum benefits will normally be payable when a person with pension rights in the Scheme dies. Spouse's and Dependants' pensions will also be payable (see Survivors' Benefits).
As a contributor
The lump sum is 3 1/2 times your normal salary at death, i.e. not your capped salary, plus a refund of any AVC contributions.
After you retire
If you die within 5 years of retiring a sum is payable equal to the balance of pensions due from the date of your death to the 5th anniversary of your retirement.
If you contributed to the Scheme between 1 January 1962 and 31 January 1976, a lump sum equal to 6 months of your pension is also payable as a lump sum.
AVC benefits
Any pension payable from added service Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) is guaranteed for 10 years. If you die within 10 years of retiring a sum will be payable equal to the balance of pensions due.
Important Note
These lump sums do not form part of your estate. Please let us know your wishes for the payment of these sums on a Declaration For Lump Sum Form. Remember to let us know if your wishes change.