What we provide

What information can you, a member, expect to receive from the Scheme?
You will receive an individual benefit statement, approximately every 18 months containing details of your current pension entitlement. Click here  to find out more about your benefit statement.

You will also receive newsletters on an annual basis giving you up-to-date Scheme information. Copies of past Publications are available on this website.

A copy of the Trust Deed and Rules and Annual Report can also be found on this website. Alternatively, a printed copy of the Trust Deed and Rules and the Annual Report can be provided on request to Pensions. A charge will be made for supplying a printed copy of the Trust Deed and Rules.

If you want us to supply you with any further information, contact Pensions by email:  pensions.administration@nsg.com

or in writing at the address below:

Pilkington Superannuation Scheme
c/o Pilkington Group Pensions Department
NSG European Technical Centre
Hall Lane
Nr Ormskirk
Lancashire  L40 5UF