What we do

Pensions are here to help you. You will find details of the members of our team on the Pensions page of our website.

What do we do for deferred members?

Arrange transfers
Sometime after leaving Pilkington (and it can be any time up to age 64 providing you have not started drawing your pension), you may wish to transfer your benefits to your new employer's scheme or a personal pension arrangement. We can provide a transfer value quote, which will be guaranteed for 3 months. This will enable you to decide whether to transfer your benefits to a new scheme. If you decide to transfer your benefits, we liaise with your new pension provider and arrange the transfer for you.

Early retirements
Subject to Company agreement you can receive your preserved pension earlier than age 65, but not before age 55. Please contact us if you want to consider retiring before age 65 and would like a quotation.

If you need to contact us, please email: pensions.administration@nsg.com 

or write to the address below:

Pilkington Superannuation Scheme
C/o Pilkington Group Pensions Department
NSG European Technical Centre
Hall Lane
Nr Ormskirk
Lancashire   L40 5UF