Trustee Committees

Audit & Risk Sub Committee

The Audit & Risk Sub Committee arranges and reviews the Scheme's annual audit on behalf of the Trustee.   

The Trustee Directors on the Audit & Risk Sub Committee are:

Mr M Arnold
Mr S Beesley
Mr B Bonney
Mr D Corf
Mr S Gange     
Mr R Hemingway
Mr J McKenna
Mr K McKenna

The Audit Committee's quorum is 3, to include at least 1 Employer and 1 Employee Director.


Ill Health Retirement Committee

The Ill Health Retirement Committee meets to exercise its discretion on any ill health retirement applications.

All Trustee Directors are eligible to sit on the Ill Health Retirement Committee and the quorum is two, being one Employer and one Employee Director.

Investment Committee   

The Investment Committee makes recommendations to the Trustee on all aspects of investment policy and management arrangements being followed.  The Trustee Directors on the Investment Committee are:

BESTrustees                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mr B. Bonney
Mr S Boon
Mr D Corf
Mr R Hemingway
Mr K McKenna
Mr P Wilkinson 

The Investment Committee's quorum is 3, to include at least 1 Employer and 1 Employee Director.


Other Committees

Committees are convened as and when necessary to review the detail of specific proposals e.g. Valuations, GMP Equalisation and Discretions.