
Atmospheric Comfort - Pilkington

Sundym is a green/blue glass suite that has a light transmission in the range of 26-45% over a 3 to 5mm thickness range. This glass blends with the green front door glass to allow both a design choice and an improvement to solar loading (45% less heat enters the rear of the vehicle compared to the front door glass).

Thermal Comfort -

Optikool™ and EZ-KOOL® are green, optimised solar absorbing glasses, providing significant improvement to occupant comfort. The products reduce the heat entering through a vehicle's glazed area by around 20 per cent when compared to a car equipped with standard tinted glass.

Miljøvaredeklarationer (EPD) til termoruder - Pilkington

This EPD covers the following Pilkington offline coated glass ranges, available in standard thicknesses from 3 - 12 mm: Pilkington Suncool™ range | Pilkington Optitherm™ range | Pilkington K Glass™ S range | Pilkington Mirropane™ Chrome range | Pilkington Spandrel Glass Coated range and the following uncoated glass: Pilkington Optifloat ...

Pilkington Suncool™-serien

Pilkington Suncool™ glas inkluderer et tyndt, metaloxideret belægning som er påført off-line. Denne metode anvendes til at producere forskellige typer belægning for at give flere egenskaber, øge designfriheden og æstetiske alternativer, samt sikre effektiv brug af lys og varme.

Bus and Coach -

Our products include solar-control, privacy, infrared-protection, body-tinted, integral absorptive and reflective interlayer glass. We manufacture in response to individual customer requirements, and strive for excellence in quality and minimum lead times from order placement to delivery.

Solafskærmning -

Pilkington Suncool™ 70/35 AC er vores glas der kombinerer god solafskærmning, varmeisolering og antidugegenskaber. Pilkington Activ Suncool™ Vort revolutionerende selvrengørende glas findes også i kombinationer med andre fordele som solafskærmning.

Pilkington Suncool™ OW

Pilkington Suncool™ OW er vores solafskærmende produkter belagt på Pilkington Optiwhite™, ekstra klart glas. Ud over mere neutrale glas med bedre farvegengivelse er disse produkter kendetegnet ved en meget lav absorption og risikoen for termisk brud er dermed væsentligt reduceret.

Miljøvaredeklarationer (EPD) til enkelt glas - Pilkington

Products: Pilkington Suncool™ OW T range | Pilkington Optitherm™ OW T range | Pilkington Spandrel Glass Coated OW T range . Thermally Toughened Online Coated Float Glass

Pilkington Suncool™ Q

Pilkington Suncool™ Q er neutrale, overlegne solafskærmende glas med høj farvestabilitet, lav refleksion og meget god selektivitet. Serien omfatter Pilkington Suncool™ Q 50, Pilkington Suncool™ Q 60 og Pilkington Suncool™ Q 70 med forskellige niveauer af lystransmittans og g-værdi.

Specialised Transport - Pilkington

Our products range from flat glass to large, complex and even curved elements that can include various types of assemblies, such as integrated sliders, hopper windows, etc. We utilise a wide range of special glass materials in our manufacturing that provide many benefits for the driver.

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