
Pilkington OptiView™-serien

De laminerede glas i Pilkington OptiView™-serie tilbyder alle de traditionelle fordele ved lamineret glas, såsom øget sikkerhed og holdbarhed samt gode akustiske egenskaber. Glasset beskytter også mod UV-transmission ved at afskærme 99% af UV-strålingen.

Original Equipment - Pilkington

Pilkington Automotive has glazing facilities throughout Europe, Japan, NAFTA, South America, China and Malaysia. As well as its major OE facilities within each region, Pilkington Automotive operates additional capacity focused on production for the aftermarket.

Automotive Glass Replacement - Pilkington

Automotive Glass Replacement. Pilkington Automotive is the global number one in AGR distribution & wholesale. As well as its major OE facilities within each region, Pilkington operates additional capacity focused on production for the aftermarket.

Complex Shaping -

Pilkington Automotive works closely with stylists and engineers in the very earliest stages of new vehicle development. We help customers ensure that their vehicle glass reflects the unique design characteristics they seek, whilst at the same time helping to define optimal performance and manufacturing specifications for the glass components.

Customer Support Services - Pilkington

Pilkington Automotive has a well developed and proven New Model Introduction process to carry out in-depth feasibility and modelling studies. These demonstrate how designs can both meet customers' styling intent and comply with optical, durability, shaping and manufacturing requirements.

FAQs -

Pilkington Automotive provides glazing systems to simplify assembly. Many glasses today have a polymer trim moulded, extruded or bonded around the periphery. This can be shaped precisely to fit the vehicle body.

Automotive Glazing -

High quality glass production starts with the float process, developed by Pilkington and now the industry standard. Automotive glass production includes pre-processing, toughening, laminating, encapsulation, extrusion and assembly, adding functionality.

Automotive Overview -

Pilkington Automotive is one of a small number of automotive glass manufacturers with the technical capability and geographic presence to play this role to the full. Globally, OE glass demand is around five times greater than that of AGR, though the proportion varies from region to region.

NSG Group på Glasstec 2024 i Düsseldorf - Pilkington

Pilkington OptiView™ Ultra Protect, et ekstra klart lamineret glas med anti-reflekterende belægning, vises som enkelt glas og i en termorude. Produktet reflekterer kun 1 % og har dermed de bedst mulige egenskaber for god gennemsigtighed.

Optimal transparens -

Optisk transparens sikrer, at glas forbliver en uundværlig del af moderne arkitektur! Pilkington OptiView™ -serien. Pilkington Optiwhite™. Glasprodukter der tillader lyset at flyde frit og fremhæver æstetikken ved enhver applikation.

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