
Pilkington Botanical™ lanceres for at øge potentialet for drivhuse

Pilkington Botanical™ er den perfekte løsning till drivhus, udestuer og vinterhaver. Serien består af en bred vifte af glasløsninger beregnet til at beskytte, forstærke og give bedre formering og vækst. Det er også muligt at hærde, bøje og laminere glasset.

Botanical Applications - Pilkington

Please visit the new website about our Pilkington Botanical™ Range: CLICK HERE.

Automotive Glass Replacement - Pilkington

In servicing the aftermarket, Pilkington Automotive is able both to leverage its global OE supply programmes and to utilise its flexible, short-run manufacturing expertise to produce glazings for models which are no longer current, or for which Pilkington Automotive is not the OE supplier.

Automotive Glazing -

High quality glass production starts with the float process, developed by Pilkington and now the industry standard. Automotive glass production includes pre-processing, toughening, laminating, encapsulation, extrusion and assembly, adding functionality.

Automotive Overview -

Pilkington Automotive is one of a small number of automotive glass manufacturers with the technical capability and geographic presence to play this role to the full. Globally, OE glass demand is around five times greater than that of AGR, though the proportion varies from region to region.

Original Equipment - Pilkington

Pilkington Automotive has glazing facilities throughout Europe, Japan, NAFTA, South America, China and Malaysia. As well as its major OE facilities within each region, Pilkington Automotive operates additional capacity focused on production for the aftermarket.

Automotive Products - Pilkington

Pilkington Automotive products include advanced solar control glass for passenger comfort, glass heating systems to control condensation and icing, security glazing and glazing systems, including encapsulations, extrusions and components, added after basic manufacturing.

Visual Comfort -

Pilkington Automotive supplies heated glazings that de-ice and de-mist either part or the whole of the windshield for improved driver comfort and passenger safety. Pilkington Automotive's Hotscreen™ incorporates fine wires that are capable of de-icing a frozen screen at –5°C inside two minutes.

Atmospheric Comfort - Pilkington

Pilkington Automotive is a market leader in the development of dark tinted automotive glasses, producing two suites of glasses that provide significant benefits to privacy, solar control and overall vehicle styling. The Galaxsee glass suite is a major player in privacy glazing.

Funktion - Pilkington

Pilkington Optiphon™ er det perfekte glasvalg til formål med meget støj fra veje, tog, fly og andre støjkilder. Giver personsikkerhed for at beskytte mennesker mod hændelig skade. Sikrer personer og ejendom fra bevidste angreb og skader fra en kriminel handling. Verdens første selvrengørende glas.

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