
Automotive Glazing - Pilkington

High quality glass production starts with the float process, developed by Pilkington and now the industry standard. Automotive glass production includes pre-processing, toughening, laminating, encapsulation, extrusion and assembly, adding functionality.

Pilkington GLASFAKTA 2018

Pilkington Sverige AB Box 195 SE-574 22 VETLANDA, Sverige Tlf +46 383-76 28 00 Pilkington Norge AS Stanseveien 35 NO-0976 OSLO, Norge Tlf +47 23 33 59 00 BRANDBESKYTTENDE GLAS. Glaseksperten A/S Sprogøvej 13 9800 HJØRRING Tlf 98 92 19 11 Fax 98 92 88 78

Complex Shaping - Pilkington

Pilkington Automotive has the capability to help car designers bring concepts involving complex shaping to reality. Rear glazings are following a similar trend to windshield trends.

Automotive Glazing Systems Processes - Pilkington

Extrusion. An alternative glazing system is provided by the robotic extrusion of a polymer profile to the periphery of the glazing, with the extruded profile or seal being precisely shaped to the vehicle. Assembly. Fixing of certain glazings within a vehicle can also be achieved through the application of locator clips to the glass.

Automotive Glass Replacement - Pilkington

Automotive Glass Replacement. Pilkington Automotive is the global number one in AGR distribution & wholesale. As well as its major OE facilities within each region, Pilkington operates additional capacity focused on production for the aftermarket.

Seneste nyt - Pilkington

Den populære Pilkington Mirropane™ Chrome Plus-serien, produceret af Pilkington Deutschland (en del af NSG Group), er blevet udvidet og indeholder nu tre farver: grå, blå og bronze.

Automotive Products - Pilkington

Pilkington Automotive products include advanced solar control glass for passenger comfort, glass heating systems to control condensation and icing, security glazing and glazing systems, including encapsulations, extrusions and components, added after basic manufacturing.

Pilkington Pyrodur®

Pilkington Pyrodur® er et klart flerlags sikkerheds brandbeskyttende glas som giver fuld Integritets-sikring i 30 eller 60 minutter kombineret med fuldstændig isolering i kort tid – vigtige minutter samtidig med rømningen af en bygning. Afhængig af tykkelsen giver det personsikkerhed op til Klasse 1(B)1 i h.t. DS/EN 12600.

Pilkington Hærdet Glas

Pilkington Hærdet sikkerhedsglas er op til fem gange stærkere end almindelig floatglas af samme tykkelse. Takket være den stærkere opbygning giver Pilkington Hærdet glas arkitekter og bygherrer større frihed og flere muligheder for at bruge glas i bygninger.

Pilkington Glasfakta 2024

Pilkington Glasfakta har nu mere end 20 år på bagen og er stadig eftertragtet i regulatoriske kredse og af mange kolleger i branchen. I denne udgave har vi et nyt kapitel kaldet 'Optimal transparens', hvor Pilkington Optiwhite™ - ekstra klart glas, Pilkington OptiView™ - antirefleksbelagt glas og Pilkington Anti-condensation Glass nu er ...

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