
Pilkington Mirai™

Pilkington Mirai™ er et basisglas, som også kan tilbydes i kombination med vores lavenergi- og solafskærmende belægninger såsom Pilkington Optitherm™ og Pilkington Suncool™, inklusive laminerede og lydreducerende varianter. * Sammenlignet med vores standard 4 mm Pilkington Optifloat™ Clear.

Automotive Glazing - Pilkington

High quality glass production starts with the float process, developed by Pilkington and now the industry standard. Automotive glass production includes pre-processing, toughening, laminating, encapsulation, extrusion and assembly, adding functionality.

Integrated Systems - Pilkington

Integrated Antennas. Antenna systems for vehicles were first developed in the 1970s. Pilkington Automotive had a major part in this development, with Japan and Germany driving the demand for integrating antennas into glazings, to combat vandalism and to improve aesthetics.

Automotive Glass Replacement - Pilkington

Automotive Glass Replacement. Pilkington Automotive is the global number one in AGR distribution & wholesale. As well as its major OE facilities within each region, Pilkington operates additional capacity focused on production for the aftermarket.

Complex Shaping - Pilkington

Pilkington Automotive has the capability to help car designers bring concepts involving complex shaping to reality. Rear glazings are following a similar trend to windshield trends.

Automotive Glazing Systems Processes - Pilkington

Automotive Glazing Systems Processes. Increasingly, glazing systems rather than a simple piece of glass are being supplied to the vehicle manufacturers. Much of this value-added activity is undertaken once the glass has been laminated or tempered. Glazing systems help to simplify the vehicle assembly process.

Aftermarket Automotive Glass Replacement - Pilkington

This combined regional presence makes Pilkington Automotive the largest player globally in AGR distribution and wholesale. In addition to glass, the product offering includes accessories needed for fitting, such as trims, urethane and tools and also extensive technical support.

Glas med 50 % mindre klimaaftryk betyder en ny milepæl for bygninger ...

Pilkington Mirai™ kan tilbydes som et alternativ til almindeligt floatglas med samme ydeevne, kvalitet og udseende. Glasset er fremstillet ved at bruge en kombination af alternative brændstoffer, en høj andel af genbrugt knust glas og elektricitet fra grønne kilder.

Pilkington Glasfakta 2024

Pilkington Mirai™ blev udviklet efter en række forsøg med alternative brændstoffer til glasfremstilling, som NSG Group var først i verden med. Udover fossilfrit brændsel bruges også en høj andel af genbrugt knust glas og el fra grønne kilder under produktionen.

Pilkington Mirai™ er nu verificeret som glasset med den mindste mængde ...

Pilkington Mirai™, produceret af NSG Group, er blevet verificeret af uafhængig tredjepart til at have 52% mindre mængde indlejret kuldioxid sammenlignet med standard floatglas, hvilket gør det til glasset med det laveste klimaaftryk af sin art.

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