
Pilkington Mirai™

Pilkington Mirai™ er et basisglas, som også kan tilbydes i kombination med vores lavenergi- og solafskærmende belægninger såsom Pilkington Optitherm™ og Pilkington Suncool™, inklusive laminerede og lydreducerende varianter. * Sammenlignet med vores standard 4 mm Pilkington Optifloat™ Clear.

Automotive Overview -

Pilkington Automotive is one of a small number of automotive glass manufacturers with the technical capability and geographic presence to play this role to the full. Globally, OE glass demand is around five times greater than that of AGR, though the proportion varies from region to region.

Complex Shaping -

Pilkington Automotive has the capability to help car designers bring concepts involving complex shaping to reality. Rear glazings are following a similar trend to windshield trends.

Automotive Glazing Systems Processes -

Automotive Glazing Systems Processes. Increasingly, glazing systems rather than a simple piece of glass are being supplied to the vehicle manufacturers. Much of this value-added activity is undertaken once the glass has been laminated or tempered. Glazing systems help to simplify the vehicle assembly process.

Glas med 50 % mindre klimaaftryk betyder en ny milepæl ... - Pilkington

Pilkington Mirai™ kan tilbydes som et alternativ til almindeligt floatglas med samme ydeevne, kvalitet og udseende. Glasset er fremstillet ved at bruge en kombination af alternative brændstoffer, en høj andel af genbrugt knust glas og elektricitet fra grønne kilder.

Closer Integration -

Automotive Overview. Closer Integration. Increasingly, automotive glass suppliers are becoming involved in the sequencing of products for just in time (JIT) delivery, which may include glazing module content, to the VM’s assembly line. In some cases, this involves working on the line.

Original Equipment - Pilkington

Pilkington Automotive has glazing facilities throughout Europe, Japan, NAFTA, South America, China and Malaysia. As well as its major OE facilities within each region, Pilkington Automotive operates additional capacity focused on production for the aftermarket.

Industry Trends - Pilkington

As the industry responds to customer demand for style variants and niche models, with shorter development times, Pilkington Automotive helps customers engineer value into vehicle glazing - cutting costs in parallel with product enhancement.

NSG Group på Glasstec 2024 i Düsseldorf - Pilkington

Pilkington Mirai™: dette seneste produkt har 52 % mindre mængde indlejret kuldioxid end standard floatglas og er førende på markedet. Det vil spille en nøglerolle i bæredygtigt design. Pilkington Mirai™ blev lanceret i oktober sidste år og er et kulstoffattigt alternativ til almindeligt floatglas med samme ydeevne, kvalitet og ...

Pilkington Glasfakta 2024

Pilkington Mirai™ blev udviklet efter en række forsøg med alternative brændstoffer til glasfremstilling, som NSG Group var først i verden med. Udover fossilfrit brændsel bruges også en høj andel af genbrugt knust glas og el fra grønne kilder under produktionen.

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