
Pilkington Mirai™

Pilkington Mirai™ - se verden anderledes. Mirai, betyder 'fremtid' på japansk og Pilkington Mirai™ blev udviklet for at markere begyndelsen af den næste generation af glasprodukter med lavt kulstofindhold, der kan leve op til de strengere bæredygtighedskrav i det byggede miljø.

Automotive Glazing - Pilkington

Pilkington Mirai ™ Pilkington ... High quality glass production starts with the float process, developed by Pilkington and now the industry standard. Automotive glass production includes pre-processing, toughening, laminating, encapsulation, extrusion and assembly, adding functionality.

Integrated Systems - Pilkington

Pilkington Mirai ™ Pilkington ... Pilkington Automotive had a major part in this development, with Japan and Germany driving the demand for integrating antennas into glazings, to combat vandalism and to improve aesthetics. Since 1996, Pilkington Automotive has used its own anechoic chambers, in which antennas can be tested in order to achieve ...

Complex Shaping - Pilkington

Pilkington Mirai ™ Pilkington ... Pilkington Automotive works closely with stylists and engineers in the very earliest stages of new vehicle development. We help customers ensure that their vehicle glass reflects the unique design characteristics they seek, whilst at the same time helping to define optimal performance and manufacturing ...

Automotive Glass Replacement - Pilkington

Pilkington Mirai ™ Pilkington ... Pilkington Automotive is the global number one in AGR distribution & wholesale. As well as its major OE facilities within each region, Pilkington operates additional capacity focused on production for the aftermarket.

Pilkington Glasfakta 2024

Pilkington Mirai™ blev udviklet efter en række forsøg med alternative brændstoffer til glasfremstilling, som NSG Group var først i verden med. Udover fossilfrit brændsel bruges også en høj andel af genbrugt knust glas og el fra grønne kilder under produktionen. Pilkington AviSafe™ - glas der beskytter fugle, er også en nyhed.

Markedsledende ‘Low Carbon Glass’ på Nordbygg 2024 -

Besøgende på vores stand C11:35 vil kunne se vores seneste produkt Pilkington Mirai™, med 52% mindre mængde indlejret kuldioxid sammenlignet med standard floatglas. Produktet blev lanceret i oktober sidste år og er markedsledende.

Aftermarket Automotive Glass Replacement - Pilkington

Pilkington Mirai ™ Pilkington ... Pilkington Automotive has well-developed independent Aftermarket distribution and wholesale networks throughout Europe, Japan, North America, South America and Asia. This combined regional presence makes Pilkington Automotive the largest player globally in AGR distribution and wholesale.

Automotive Overview - Pilkington

Pilkington Mirai ™ Pilkington ... Pilkington Automotive is one of a small number of automotive glass manufacturers with the technical capability and geographic presence to play this role to the full. Globally, OE glass demand is around five times greater than that of AGR, though the proportion varies from region to region. ...

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