Extreme Performance Testing


Pilkington Planar™ has been tested at various independent test facilities for blast mitigation purposes. The product has been specified on previous commercial contracts in single laminated and insulated laminated form and has succesfuly withstood a real life blast attack. As required, Pilkington Architectural are able provide independent test reports and to collaborate with blast consultants to develop suitable glazing systems with security performance characteristics.


Pilkington Planar™ has recently been succesfully tested for large missile impact hurricane resistance at the HTL test facility in Miami, Florida. Single laminated product and insulated laminated product both returned successful test results against the relevant ASTM and Florida Building Codes. This testing included a 9000 cycle rapid loading test which peaked at 100 psf loading.

To the best of our knowledge, Pilkington Planar™ is the only bolt supported system to have been tested for blast and hurricane resistance.