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Ethics and Compliance Hotline powered by Convercent

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If located in North America you can also use the number below to anonymously text a concern.

(419) 664-4585

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What Happens After I Make A Report?

NSG Group is committed to maintaining an environment in which employees can report, without fear of retaliation, any conduct they know to be or believe to be in violation of Company guidelines or policies or the law. The Ethics & Compliance Hotline operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and is run by an independent, third-party provider. The Hotline is designed to protect your confidentiality and anonymity, if requested. Reports can be submitted via this confidential internet site or via toll free hotline. Regardless of how a report is made, NSG Group prohibits retaliation against anyone who, in good faith, reports a possible violation or who participates in an investigation. We value all of your opinions and encourage you to use this system to report any issues, concerns or ethics and compliance related questions you wish to bring forward. We rely on you to help us by speaking up whenever a situation threatens our values and our reputation.

NSG Code of Ethics

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Message from CEO

Our mission is to be the global leader in innovative high performance glass and glazing solutions, working safely and ethically. This mission can only be achieved if we follow the guiding principles of the NSG Code of Ethics. 

We all have an equal responsibility to ensure that we act ethically, irrespective of our position. Our decisions and actions can have a damaging impact on ourselves and the Company. We must remember that a good reputation is hard to win but easy to lose. Our reputation is integral to the success of the NSG Group and following our Code will protect and enhance it. 

Working ethically and safely is essential for a Company to be sustainable. If you have a concern, I encourage you to raise it with your line manager or report it through the Ethics and Compliance Hotline. Your actions will help us to become a better company.
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