
Automotive Processes -

Toughened glass is most frequently used in the rear and side windows of vehicles. It is designed to be much stronger than standard glass. In the case of a breakage, it shatters into very small blunt pieces thereby significantly reducing risk of injury.

Products - Pilkington

Pilkington Marine uses toughened glass to give constructions high strength. Strength is further improved when lamination is added to provide security, producing glass products well suited to the marine environment.

FAQs -

Pilkington Automotive provides glazing systems to simplify assembly. Many glasses today have a polymer trim moulded, extruded or bonded around the periphery. This can be shaped precisely to fit the vehicle body. Adhesive is automatically applied and the encapsulated glass fitted by robot into the body.

Pilkington Hærdet Glas

Pilkington Hærdet glas er et godt glasvalg, når egenskaberne ved almindeligt glas skal kombineres med øget styrke, sikkerhed eller varmebestandighed. Pilkington Hærdet glas er fremstillet ved at opvarme det tilskårne kantslebne glas og derefter afkøle det hurtigt.

Miljøvaredeklarationer (EPD) til termoruder - Pilkington

This EPD covers the following Pilkington toughened offline coated glass ranges available in standard thicknesses from 4 - 12 mm: Pilkington Suncool™ T range | Pilkington Optitherm™ T range | Pilkington K Glass™ S T | Pilkington Mirropane™ Chrome T range | Pilkington Spandrel Glass Coated T range and the following Pilkington glass ranges ...

Pilkington K Glass™ N

Pilkington K Glass™ N er vort hardcoated energiglas som har et klart og neutralt udseende og en lavere overflade-modstand, hvilket gør glasset nemmere at rengøre. Pilkington K Glass™ N har en væsentlig bedre isoleringsevne i forhold til floatglas!

Automotive Glass Replacement - Pilkington

Automotive Glass Replacement. Pilkington Automotive is the global number one in AGR distribution & wholesale. As well as its major OE facilities within each region, Pilkington operates additional capacity focused on production for the aftermarket.

Security -

The type of glazings used in the side windows (sidelights) of cars is moving from toughened glass to laminated glass. Pilkington Automotive supplies laminated side glazing that provide increased levels of security and passenger comfort by increasing attack resistance and defence against theft.

Automotive Glazing -

Automotive glass production includes pre-processing, toughening, laminating, encapsulation, extrusion and assembly, adding functionality. Float Glass. The float glass process, developed by Pilkington in 1952, is now the world standard for high quality glass production.

Seneste nyt - Pilkington

Pilkington Floatglas AB præsenterer et nyt solafskærmende glas til dobbeltfacader og konstruktioner i enkeltglas. Det nye solafskærmende glas Pilkington Suncool Optilam™ 65/59 er udviklet specielt for dobbelt facader og forbedrer bygningens energitekniske værdier i en dobbeltfacade.

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